Novelis is pleased to launch a SaaS solution for schools, universities and all teaching staff. The ExamDirect solution, developed by the Novelis R&D Laboratory, has been designed to facilitate the processing of remote tests and exams. It is a concrete response to organizations that are responsible for administering exams, tests and admissions tests.
Indeed, in the current environment, with limited travel and strong constraints on the grouping of people, for the teaching staff, for the teams in charge of recruiting and selecting future students, the “remote” option appears to be the most relevant.
ExamDirect is already available and provides all organizations with a fast, easy-to-use solution for creating tests in a wide range of subjects.
Features of the solution:
- Creation of one or more exams, tests
- Management of the distribution and communication of tests or campaigns of tests / selections
- Creation of dedicated spaces to highlight the school, the department, the classes,…
- Centralized management of exams and tests and push analysis of observed results
- Access to information related to students and candidates (profiles, results,…)
- Automation of time-consuming tasks to leave time for analysis for teachers

ExamDirect is in constant evolution and allows to integrate the remarks and new needs of its users. Because of Novelis’ positioning on all topics related to AI, semantics (NLP / NLU) and predictive aspects of Machine Learning, ExamDirect’s Roadmap aims to offer its users
- complex models that allow for the modification of test types and types of tests according to the results observed
- a selection of the most interesting profiles for the proposed courses based on the tests taken
- access to training programs (National Education, training organizations, specialized companies, technologies, etc.) adapted to the profiles of students, pupils and candidates in order to enrich their skills base.
To discover ExamDirect through a demonstration and to know its prices, it is here