TECH500: Novelis is positioned among the tech companies to join in 2022!

TECH500 2022, the ranking of the 500 tech companies that recruit the most in France, positions Novelis in the TOP 200 tech companies to join in 2022!

Data Recruitment, the recruitment agency specialized in tech, has just published the 1st edition of its ranking of the 500 companies that recruit the most and which you should join in 2022.

With 51% growth in headcount, Novelis is ranked 191st on the list, once again demonstrating its strong growth potential, its desire to recruit and its key position in the FrenchTech ecosystem.

Indeed, 4 months earlier, in December 2021, Novelis was already ranked 47th out of 500 in the prestigious FW500 ranking of the top 500 growing companies in French Tech.

This position in the TECH500 ranking of Data Recruitment allows us to really assert ourselves alongside the fast-growing French tech companies. We are proud to count among our staff talents from all over the world. At Novelis, more than 10 nationalities are represented! In 1 year we have recruited nearly 40 employees and it’s not going to stop there… Join us!

Linda Mefidene, Human Resources Manager at Novelis.
TECH 500

TECH500 : the ranking that reveals new players for candidates to join  

Based on the sole criteria of headcount growth from March 2021 to March 2022, the first edition of this ranking honors companies of all sizes in the Tech sector: start-ups, scale-ups, SMEs and ETIs.

25,000 companies solicited – 2,533 companies studied – 500 companies highlighted.

This ranking also represents 23,849 jobs created over 12 months by these 500 companies.

In the top 5 representative keywords of the top 500 companies, we find:

  • Saas (13%)
  • Health (5,13%)
  • Fintech (4,82%)
  • Marketing (4,04%)
  • Big Data (3,91%)

FW500 2022: Novelis in the Top 50!

FW500 2022, le prestigieux palmarès qui met à l’honneur les 500 entreprises clés de l’écosystème Tech français

FrenchWeb vient de publier la 6ème édition de son palmarès des 500 premières entreprises en croissance de la Tech française (FW500 2022).

Novelis intègre le palmarès pour la première fois cette année et se hisse directement à la 47ème place sur 500 ! Novelis affirme ainsi son positionnement clé dans l’écosystème de la FrenchTech : un écosystème ouvert et innovant.

« Ce classement permet de révéler le potentiel de croissance de Novelis. Avec une augmentation de 70% de notre chiffre d’affaires en 2021 par rapport à 2020, nous confirmons également notre positionnement d’acteur clé de l’écosystème de la Tech, au service de la transformation numérique et de l’efficacité opérationnelle des entreprises françaises », commente Olivier Chosson, Associé et Directeur des Opérations chez Novelis.

FW500 2022: Novelis in the Top 50!

FrenchTech : le dynamisme de la Tech française

Depuis déjà 6 ans, le FW500 met en évidence toutes les parties prenantes de la Tech en France et analyse ainsi la croissance des entreprises de toute taille sur différentes activités liées à la Tech : start-up, grands comptes, éditeurs de logiciels, Fintech, Edtech, ESN, IoT, robotique, e-commerce…

Il faut savoir que la FrenchTech est toujours en plein boom avec, à son actif, près de 7 milliards d’euros de chiffre d’affaires et plus de 40 000 recrutements en 2020.

Dans le Top 5 des secteurs les plus représentés dans le classement 2022, nous trouvons :

  • Marketing services : 30%
  • e-commerce : 12%
  • Fintech : 12%
  • Editeurs de logiciels : 8%
  • ESN : 7%

Nous sommes très fiers de faire partie des 7% des ESN représentées. A ce propos Novelis se place 5ème dans sa catégorie ESN, devant de très grands noms.

C’est grâce à nos expertises et nos investissements dans la recherche notamment sur l’intelligence artificielle que nous avons pu nous hisser à la 47ème place de ce classement.

Review of the Tech for Good tour organized at Novelis

Novelis was pleased to host the Tech for Good Tour in its Parisian offices on April 25 to raise awareness among its employees about the social and environmental challenges of tech.

These workshops are organized at the initiative of Makesense and Latitudes, communities of tech actors acting to build an inclusive and sustainable society and to create an engaged and more responsible technology.

Chloé Molle, mobilizer and speaker of the Tech for Good tour team, came to lead a two-hour workshop with Novelis teams. Find below the report of this instructive and dynamic event.

During this workshop, Chloe started with a collective awareness in motion in order to put all the collaborators present in the room at the same level of information. This allowed us in a very visual way to become aware of the rate of parity between men and women in the tech industry and to realize the impact we have on the environment in terms of use and consumption of technologies (computer, smartphone, tablet…).

In many companies and in the Tech sector, women often represent only 30% of the workforce and are mostly represented in support functions: at Novelis, they are 42%!

Before you continue reading this, check your average phone screen time over the past week

You should know that 80% of adults spend +3h/day in front of a screen outside of work. What about you?

To conclude on the figures related to our consumption on technological devices: a person changes smartphone on average every 2 years.

This was followed by a moving debate where everyone had to position themselves at a specific point in the room to represent their perception of the role and impact of tech. Are we more sensitive to social or environmental issues? Will Tech save or destroy the world?

The participating Novelians were almost unanimous: for us, Tech can help save the world! Notably thanks to the advances in AI in medicine or via advanced robotics. The opinion was also shared on the risks and drifts related to the overconsumption of electronic devices that pollute and gradually destroy the environment. For example, 200kg is the weight of raw materials needed to build a smartphone of 200g.

Once everyone’s ideas were expressed, Chloe presented us with a theoretical basis on what Tech for Good really is: clearly, a more committed and responsible tech with many causes to defend, but we’ll come back to that right after.

At the end of this short plenary session, we divided into sub-groups to think about the levers of action on these different causes to defend:

  • diversity in the digital world: to ensure that the development of digital use has an impact on the whole of our society and that it is accessible to the whole population
  • digital citizenship: practicing forms of social participation that respect human rights and dignity through a more responsible use of technology
  • digital sobriety: an approach that aims to minimize the environmental impact of digital technology by reducing the energy consumption of technological devices
  • the respect of the human being: to think about the place of the human being in the digital world in order to avoid deviations and abuses linked to an overconsumption of technological objects
  • digital accessibility: to allow all people, whether or not they have a disability and without discrimination, to have access to digital information at the same level

The objective was then to select 3 issues around each of these causes and to give ideas on concrete actions to be taken to respond to these issues.

Novelians have mobilized with enthusiasm and many ideas have emerged! An action plan to follow through on our ideas is already being developed.

Once again, thanks to makesense and Latitudes for facilitating this workshop to raise awareness of the social and environmental issues related to digital technology.

It was important for us that all employees be made aware of these issues so that we could be part of a responsible and environmentally friendly global approach.

About makesense & Latitudes

Makesense is a community platform that creates tools and programs for collective mobilization to enable everyone to take action and build an inclusive and sustainable society.

Latitudes is a community of tech actors who act to create an engaged and responsible technology: the goal is to respond to the social and environmental challenges of our time.

The Tech for Good tour comes to Novelis!

A responsible tour of France to build a more committed and sustainable tech industry

Initiated by makesens and Latitudes, communities of tech actors acting to build an inclusive and sustainable society and to create a more responsible and engaged technology, the Tech for Good tour brings together a series of workshops to raise awareness of the social and environmental challenges of tech.

This year, we welcome the makesens and Latitude teams for the 4th edition of Tech for Good with the aim of offering our collaborators the opportunity to accelerate their reflections on tech and its challenges for tomorrow.

The concept of the Tour de France Tech for Good?

A two-hour workshop with a focus on :

  • Participatory methods to take ownership of the social and environmental issues linked to digital technology: raising awareness of Tech for Good among our collaborators who work with technology on a daily basis
  • The discovery of projects that use technology to solve environmental and social challenges
  • Collective intelligence methodologies to imagine concrete actions to be taken

Novelis wants to make its collaborators aware of a “greener” Tech

This approach is in line with current ecological issues and also demonstrates the global awareness of entrepreneurs in recent years.

We want to make our collaborators aware of internal uses because we believe that technology should not only serve business issues but should also serve the common good. We can use it as a key lever to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This Tour de France demonstrates that profitability and societal/environmental impact are totally compatible and linked.

At Novelis, we pay particular attention to our purchases. We try to buy only what is necessary for the proper functioning of the company, with eco-responsible products and made in France as much as possible.

Even before the health crisis, we used video-conferencing as much as necessary to limit unnecessary travel for our employees. Our offices are located near a large number of public transport links to limit the carbon footprint of our travel. None of our employees have a company car in order to encourage the use of public transport as much as possible. Those who come by bicycle can store their bikes at our premises.

We are dematerialising all our processes. All our invoices are dematerialised and employees receive their pay slips directly to their mailboxes, with the aim of eventually going paperless.

We are also committed to a responsible and environmentally friendly approach with our customers, partners and suppliers.

In our business, we develop innovative solutions that are quicker to implement and therefore less resource- and energy-intensive for both Novelis and our customers.

We favour “low code” or “no code” development approaches that require less energy for configuration and operation.

We strive to create ever more innovative, fast and efficient solutions with the aim of optimising resources, time and energy.

Read our article on “Review of the Tech for Good tour organized at Novelis”.