Conference at EPITA – Application of AI in software construction

Wednesday, May 11th at 4:30 pm, El Hassane ETTIFOURI, CIO of Novelis, PhD in AI and Software Engineering, expert in automation, will present an online conference (in french) to the students of EPITA Paris, the school of computer engineers.

The conference will focus on the Application of AI in Software Construction.  

Improving the understanding of natural language requirements and enabling the machine to design and develop IT solutions based on natural language descriptions is one of the missions we have set ourselves at Novelis.

On the conference agenda:  

➡️A few words on AI and Software Engineering
➡️The alliance between AI and GL 
➡️Our Deep Transforming approach  
➡️The AIDA Artificial Developer


Since its creation in 1984, EPITA is the first engineering school specialized in computer science in Paris.

It prepares its passionate students for careers in engineering and digital technology to build the world of tomorrow.

Artificial intelligence and medical science: what disruptions for tomorrow?

Artificial intelligence or AI is a multidisciplinary computer science that can predict conclusions without any direct human intervention.

To do this, it needs :

  • Several algorithms;
  • Deep & Machine Learning;
  • Heuristics ;
  • Correspondence models;
  • Cognitive computing.

AI was primarily designed to provide solutions to complex problems that humans are not 100% capable of solving.

How has AI made its way into medicine today and how will it revolutionise the world tomorrow?

Artificial Intelligence and medicine: a promising start

AI is now being used in a number of areas ranging from agriculture to automotive, medicine and healthcare services. It took several years before AI and e-health knowledge engineering could be proven in medicine and biology. Some AI-based projects related to healthcare have even attracted more investment than those in other sectors of the global economy.

40% of pharmaceutical and life sciences companies say they have already deployed AI technologies and are satisfied with the results.

Quite encouraging.

But what is the reality? Hospitals and clinics often have vast amounts of medical data at their disposal. But how do we process all the data intelligently without the risk of missing out on information that is crucial to the quality of care?

When confronted with too much information, information overload leads to misinformation and this can lead to dysfunctional decision-making throughout the organisation.

AI will thus be able to intervene in the process by modelling and analysing data to predict diseases and find cures, notably thanks to: innovative treatment materials; the estimation of life expectancy; the speed of diagnoses; and finally the rapid understanding of correlations between certain factors and our health conditions.

From the data and with the help of Deep & Machine Learning, AI-based computing power can predict significant trends.

How is AI used in medicine today?

AI-based solutions in the medical field are growing rapidly and are above all very diverse. Here are some classic examples:

  • Automatic appointment scheduling;
  • Registration in medical centres;
  • Digitisation of medical contracts and records;
  • Automatic vaccine reminders for children and pregnant women;
  • Algorithms for personalising drug doses;
  • Or improved genomic editing.

Let’s focus on the 4 main applications of AI in medicine today, which have been very successful in recent years:

  1. Automatic diagnosis of diseases: With the growing progress of deep learning, diagnosing a disease is now easier and faster. Powerful models can now detect complex diseases such as cancers or ophthalmic pathologies with the same precision and accuracy as medical professionals.
  2. Rapid production of medicines: The pharmaceutical and drug distribution industry remains one of the most expensive economic sectors, both for states and citizens. But with the advent of AI in the analytical processes of drug manufacturing, data processing is becoming more efficient, saving hundreds of millions in investment and years of work.
  3. Personalize the treatment: The personalization of treatments is a very complex statistical work that AI manages to automate. Thanks to this work, it will be able to help better understand and anticipate the reactions of patients to a given treatment. Thus, with the analysis of all these characteristics, the algorithm is able to predict the treatment best suited to the patient according to his pathology.
  4. Improving gene editing: With AI, the development of RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) has accelerated, allowing impressive genomic editing by introducing genetic material into cells. The use of genome editing implies unprecedented possibilities for treating certain diseases.

What future for Artificial Intelligence and medicine?

The healthcare sector is evolving as AI and Machine Learning gain popularity. Studies show that spending on AI in the medical sector is expected to increase by 48% at an annual rate between 2017 and 2023.

Several predictions can be made about the impact that AI will have on healthcare in the near future. Here are some of them:

  • Integrating the mind with the machine: AI-supported brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) may soon be able to enhance motor function in some patients. Controlling the body by thought would be a significant advance in the world of AI and health.
  • Better radiology tools: AI-enhanced radiology tools will provide sufficient accuracy to replace tissue samples in the near future.
  • Electronic Health Records 4.0: EHRs allow to compile all data (social, clinical, psychological…) of a patient to determine the risk of disease and find a possible treatment as soon as possible. However, it is sometimes difficult for a doctor to analyse all the data efficiently and draw up an assessment quickly. AI comes into play here by automating the completion of EHRs and helping to reliably predict disease risk by identifying hidden connections between data sets.

According to BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, an AI was able to analyse the clinical notes of 55,516 EHRs comprising 150,990 notes and identified 3,138 prostate cancer patients in just 8 seconds. 8 seconds! Imagine how long it would take a human to achieve the same result?

  • Reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance: EHR data could also be used to identify and anticipate infection patterns and warn patients at risk, even before they develop symptoms.
  • More accurate analysis of pathology images: Since AI is able to scan images to the nearest pixel, researchers may be able to identify details and nuances invisible to the human eye.
  • Further use of immunotherapy in cancer treatment: AI will be able to analyse a complex set of data about a patient’s unique genetic make-up. The ultimate goal would then be to target the ideal therapy to eradicate the disease as quickly as possible.
  • A mobile lab for quick and easy diagnosis: Ideal for people who are isolated or unable to travel to hospitals or clinics. How does it work? Simply enter the patient’s symptoms on the connected mobile device. The “mini lab” will analyse the data and announce the samples that need to be taken (saliva, urine, blood, etc.). The analyses will then be sent to a health professional who will be able to make a complete diagnosis quickly and remotely.

The next few years will be crucial for Artificial Intelligence and medicine. If technical advances continue to progress at this rate, the growth of innovative technologies in medicine will be pharaonic!

Stratégie Clients: the reference exhibition for customer relations

On March 29, 30 & 31, come and hybridize your customer relationship and reimagine the field of possibilities of intelligent automation with Novelis.
This reference event on customer relationship will allow professionals to go further in their reflections and to discover in a concrete way the contribution that automation, AI and RPA can have on a large number of companies.

Novelis will be present to showcase its expertise in customer relationship management.

285 exhibitors – 16,000 visitors – 200 conferences and solution workshops offered by experts

The Stratégie Clients exhibition is 3 intense days to optimize your customer relationship. The crisis of the Covid-19 has severely impacted all sectors of activity and the customer relationship has not been spared, it has been totally transformed: more hybrid, digital and agile.

Customer service has evolved a lot in the last few years. At a distance, the relationship is often governed by algorithms and voicebots and the need for more human relationship is felt.

The customer now wants to benefit from the efficiency and high availability of machines and at the same time from the sensitivity and finer appreciation of their requests by humans. Clearly, today’s customer wants a hybrid relationship to make the most of both worlds.

The customer strategy of companies must evolve at the same pace as the expectations of their customers and we believe that Artificial Intelligence and the automation of processes by robots is the solution.

This exhibition is the ideal moment for all those who wish to discover these new ways to hybridize customer relations, improve their uses, enrich their strategy, exchange with their peers and find innovative solutions.

Novelis expert in customer relations

As a Pure Player in business process efficiency, we use automation as a lever to boost call center productivity and improve the customer experience. 

We support our customers in their intelligent business process automation projects with Smart Automation. We enable companies to transform the experience of their customers and employees. 

To learn more: discover our Business Case Automation at the service of the customer experience

Conference at Supinfo – Intelligent automation at the service of all professions

As part of its IT Time conference cycle, the campus of Supinfo Paris, the school for IT experts, welcomes for the second time El Hassane Ettifouri, CIO of Novelis, Doctor in AI & Software Engineering and automation expert.

On Wednesday, March 16 at 5:15 p.m., El Hassane will be at the school to present a lecture (conference in French) on intelligent automation for all professions. 

La Smart Automation (automation intelligente) or IPA (Intelligence Process Automation) represents RPA technology enriched by the powers of AI. Smart Automation = RPA + AI

On the conference agenda:  

➡️Issues and knowledge of the RPA and Smart Automation domains 
➡️Professions using RPA
➡️Existing technologies on the market  
➡️Artificial intelligence applied to RPA

Conference at Supinfo – AI for software engineering & AIDA, the artificial developer

Wednesday, November 24th at 5:30 pm, El Hassane Ettifouri, CIO of Novelis, PhD in AI and Software Engineering and expert in automation, will be at the Supinfo Paris school to present his conference (in french) about : AI for software engineering & AIDA, the artificial developer.

In our daily life, AI is present in many fields, from medicine to automotive and industry… AI itself is a very vast field gathering several subfields. In recent years we have seen great advances in AI and software engineering. 

Discover the conference program:  

➡️A few words on AI and Software Engineering 
➡️The alliance between AI and GL 
➡️Our Deep Transforming approach  
➡️The AIDA Artificial Developer 

Discover the mini interview of El Hassane Ettifouri, given just before his conference.

Novelis, sponsor of the European Big Data & AI reference event Paris 2021

On 28 & 29 September, come and unleash the full power of your data and re-imagine the realm of possibility of Artificial Intelligence with Novelis.

This leading European event on Big Data & Artificial Intelligence will allow professionals to go further in their thinking and to discover in a concrete way the contribution that Big Data & AI can have on a large number of businesses.

As a sponsor of the event, Novelis will welcome visitors on stand S25 in the Startup village to present its work and expertise in Artificial Intelligence.

A real innovation hub bringing together 150 exhibiting companies – 15,000 professionals – 50 media partners around 350 conferences and workshops

The result of the merger between two key tech events in France and Europe, Big Data Paris and AI Paris have become one and the same, given the close links between the Big Data and Artificial Intelligence markets.

This event dedicated to the advances in AI and Big Data has been concentrating for 10 years a set of quality contents thanks to the intervention of important actors of the sectors and the sponsorship of innovative companies, such as Novelis. Indeed, more than 150 companies representing Big Data & AI, large accounts as well as young companies and innovative start-ups, will be present to challenge each other during conferences and workshops on various subjects: feedback, expert courses, demonstrations of innovative solutions, current and future Tech-oriented sessions.

More than 15,000 professionals will also be present. This is a great opportunity to exchange with various profiles during networking, to create partnerships or to spot potential talents.

Artificial intelligence at the heart of the event’s challenges

Once again this year, the event will focus on Artificial Intelligence and it is on this point that Novelis will intervene and bring its expert view.

At Novelis we believe in scientific research to advance new technologies and for this we invest up to ¼ of our turnover in R&D. It is in this sense that our R&D Lab continues to make progress on disruptive technologies as part of our partnership with the AI Laboratory of the Ecole Polytechnique de Paris.

During a 30-minute conference, Mehdi Nafe, CEO of Novelis, and Abdelkader Rhouati, PhD Researcher and Software Architect, will speak about the challenges of Artificial Intelligence and its advances by presenting one of the works of our R&D Lab: AIDA (Artificial Intelligence for Development Assistant) – a smart-programming solution integrating AI & NLP.

AIDA by the Novelis R&D Lab

What if 60% of your IT projects were automatically generated thanks to Artificial Intelligence? AIDA is the first squad of smart agents to support developers in their daily work.

The solution is capable of exchanging in natural language with developers to generate code and thus create applications.

Extract from the conference:

In this session, come and discover the first squad of smart agents to support developers in their daily work. Based on the model of an IT team, our specialised agents are materialised in micro-services to collaborate with developers and simplify their development tasks based on human language specifications. AIDA assists developers in four areas: application architecture, front-end development, back-end development and database development.