Interview with Olivier Chosson, Director of Operations at Novelis, at AM Tech Day

On October 3rd, Novelis was present at AM Tech Day, the must-attend event for portfolio managers and asset managers organized by L’AGEFI. 

During this event, Olivier Chosson, Director of Operations, discussed Novelis’ value proposition in an interview, focusing on how Novelis supports asset managers in optimizing asset management through generative AI, automation, and cybersecurity

You can find the interview below: 

Adrien: I’m pleased to welcome you to the AGEFI AM Tech Day studio today at the Palais Brongniart, Olivier Chosson. Hello! 

Olivier: Hello, Adrien. 

Adrien: You are an associate and director of operations at Novelis, and I naturally want to ask the question, Novelis, what is it? 

Olivier: Novelis is a specialist in operational efficiency and supports its clients through the comprehensive analysis of their processes using tools such as Process Intelligence and Intelligent Automation. We also leverage Artificial Intelligence, including Generative AI, to enhance our offerings. We work on innovative architectures like modular architectures and, of course, cybersecurity to secure all the data we work with. 

Our firm is structured around an R&D laboratory specializing in artificial intelligence. We exclusively employ AI researchers dedicated to fundamental research in this field, contributing to the advancement of models. Why did we take this initiative? To anticipate market developments and offer our clients and partners products as soon as they are mature and ready for operational use, ensuring their successful market deployment. 

Adrien: So, you’ve really dived into the AI issue, fully embracing it. 

Olivier: Indeed, that’s our job, and that’s what we’ve built the firm on for a little over 6 years now. 

Adrien: I would have asked many people what they think about AI as a topic for the future. Some are addressing it today, but for others, it’s a topic for tomorrow. For you, it’s already a current issue, perhaps even since yesterday and today. So, in your opinion, what is the topic of tomorrow? 

Olivier: For Novelis, Generative AI will become indispensable in the business world, starting from tomorrow. When we mention Generative AI, many people think of ChatGPT. However, starting today, companies have the opportunity to have their own ChatGPT model, specifically working on their data and processes. 

What is the goal? It’s about delivering significant value, but for whom? Firstly, for their customers. Companies will be able to offer more personalized, faster, and higher-value services. This will also bring value to their employees. They can focus on their skills, develop their expertise, and provide even more value to customers. Ultimately, the entire company can increase its value in this way. 

Adrien: And that’s what you do, you assist these companies in this process. 

Olivier: Exactly. That’s our job. 

Adrien: There you have it. For those who want to learn more, you can, of course, visit the Novelis booth here at the AM Tech Day. 

Olivier: Exactly. 

Adrien: Olivier Chosson, partner and director of operations at Novelis, thank you very much. 

Olivier: Thank you, Adrien. 

Novelis obtains AFAQ ISO/IEC 27001 certification

Paris, May 02, 2022Novelis, an International technology company at the forefront of AI research, specializing in innovative architectures and operational efficiency of business processes, is going one step further in helping its clients ensure the security of their IT systems by being certified ISO 27001.

The AFAQ ISO/IEC 27001 certification demonstrates that Novelis has implemented an effective Information Security Management System (ISMS) built on the ISO 27001 international reference standard. This standard defines methods for identifying cyber threats, controlling the risks associated with organizations’ critical information and implementing appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information.

All of Novelis’ stakeholders can rest assured that they are working with a trusted partner that has a robust information security management system and has proven compliance with internationally recognized criteria.

This certification was issued by AFNOR, the leading certification body in France for ISO 27001 certification.

About AFAQ ISO/IEC 27001 certification

To ensure the security of their sensitive information, organizations can rely on the ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards.

ISO/IEC 27001 is the best-known standard in this family, which includes no less than a dozen standards. It specifies the requirements for information security management systems (ISMS). The implementation of the standards in this family by any type of organization facilitates the management of the security of sensitive assets such as financial data, intellectual property documents, personnel data or information entrusted by third parties. Learn more about the standards

Benefits of ISO 27001 certification (source AFNOR)

  • Identify the threats and dangers to your information system
  • Mobilize your teams around a common project
  • Improve your practices to secure your information system
  • Control the costs related to cybersecurity
  • To perpetuate your activity
  • Increase your clients’ confidence and meet their security requirements

Today, the ISO 27001 standard is the worldwide reference for Information Security Management Systems. It concerns all organizations, whatever their size, as soon as they manage critical data for themselves or for third parties.

ISO 27001 defines all the standards and good practices to be respected in order to maximize the security of information systems in terms of IT infrastructure, software and employees.

You want to get ISO 270001 certification? Novelis can help you with your due diligence

Novelis offers its customers a complete audit in accordance with the ISO 27001 standard. Covering all the chapters of the standard such as :

  • Information security policies
  • Information security organization
  • Human resources security
  • Access control
  • Cryptography
  • Physical and environmental security
  • Operational security
  • Communications security
  • Acquisition, development and maintenance of information systems
  • Information security incident management
  • Information security aspects of business continuity management
  • Compliance

Going Further: Novelis Helps You Secure Your Organization and Systems

Novelis offers its cybersecurity expertise in a pragmatic approach, integrating both the dimension related to the analysis of the current situation (penetration tests, audit, identification of internal and external threats…) but also on a long-term support in terms of governance, processes and best practices to protect against cyber-attacks and establish a cyber-resilience mechanism. 

About Novelis

Created in 2017, Novelis is a hybrid structure halfway between startup, consulting firm, publisher and service company. At Novelis, innovation is reflected in daily investments, both in disruptive technologies and in the work carried out in their internal R&D Lab. The latter is financed by their service activities up to 1/4 of the revenue.

The company currently employs around 100 people and has an international presence, supporting some 60 clients in their business challenges.

Strengthen your IT security with cybersecurity audits and simulations

[Webinar] All you need to know about ISO 27001: challenges and certification process

88% of certified companies note that ISO 27001 helps reduce the number of security incidents, and represents a considerable competitive advantage (AFNOR survey of certified companies).

The proliferation of cyber threats is increasingly imposing ISO/IEC 27001 – a standard dedicated to the security of information systems – on the French landscape.

Between 2021 and 2023, the number of certified companies in France rose from 351 to over 900, demonstrating the growing importance of ISO and the centrality of data protection issues for organizations.

In this webinar, find out how Novelis can support you in your ISO 27001 certification process.

Oussama Hamdi, Expert Cybersecurity Analyst at Novelis, will review the procedures and actions to be implemented at both technical and organizational levels. He will be joined by Brice Gilbert, ISO 27001 specialist and cybersecurity certification manager at AFNOR, who will give you his expert view of certification.

On the program:

  • Why is certification important for your company: technical, regulatory and economic issues?
  • How can Novelis support you in obtaining this certification?

The replay is only available in French.

Novelis at GITEX GLOBAL | The Largest Tech Event in 2023

Novelis announces its participation, alongside its partner ABBYY, in the major event GITEX GLOBAL 2023: the world’s most prestigious technology exhibition, to be held at the Dubai World Trade Centre and Dubai Harbour.

Every year, GITEX GLOBAL brings together major technology players and groundbreaking startups operating in fields such as AI, cybersecurity, mobility, sustainable technology and much more. This year’s event will feature no fewer than 6,000 exhibitors, 170 countries represented and 1,800 participating startups.

With over 200,000 visitors expected, GITEX Global offers an exceptional platform to showcase Novelis’ mission to revolutionize operational efficiency and meet new partners and customers. We look forward to playing a key role in this dynamic technology ecosystem.

Inspiring themes on the program of GITEX GLOBAL

This international event will highlight several key themes, including Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity, application development, and much more.

Novelis will be presenting its value proposition in AI, cybersecurity, process intelligence, automation and innovative architectures: improving the operational efficiency of companies in new markets (notably the Middle East, North and East Africa, and South-West Asia).

We warmly invite you to join us at GITEX GLOBAL to learn more about how Novelis is shaping the future of AI and cybersecurity. Come and discover our innovations, meet our team of experts and explore how we can work together to meet the technological challenges of the 21st century.

We look forward to welcoming you to our stand B42 – Hall 3, with our partner ABBYY, and to sharing this unique experience with you!

[Webinar] Cybersecurity and RGPD: How to prevent data breaches

76% of organizations suffered data breaches in 2023

Attacks and data breaches are multiplying at an alarming rate. This statistic highlights the scale of the problem, and underlines the urgent need to strengthen data security. The average financial cost of a cyber attack to an SME is estimated at between €300,000 and €500,000 (CISCO study). For small and medium-sized businesses, this can represent a huge financial impact that is difficult to overcome.

With the rapid development of technology and the proliferation of digital data, it is essential to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of this data.

We therefore decided to organize a webinar with Dipeeo to explore the challenges of data security, tackling both the technical and legal aspects for a complete and optimized vision.

Our expert Oussama Hamdi, Senior Consultant in Cybersecurity, will address the technical side: data security relies on several measures and technologies to protect sensitive information against potential threats.

On the legal side, it’s former RGPD lawyer & certified DPO – CEO & Co-founder Dipeeo, Raphaël Buchard will give us the keys to understanding data privacy laws and regulations.

On the agenda for this webinar:

  • How to prevent: the technical and organizational security measures to put in place
  • How to manage responsibility: from legal texts to the risks involved
  • How to act: What to do in the event of a problem, and how? Illustration with a case study

The replay is only available in French.

[Webinar] Cybersecurity: how to gain efficiency through automation?

Against the backdrop of the economic slowdown, cybersecurity is on the rise! Gartner forecasts an increase in cybersecurity spending of 11.3% in 2023 (vs. an increase of 7.2% in 2022). It must be said that the pace of cyber attacks has never been more intense (+400% since the beginning of the health crisis) and in France, more than one out of two companies reported having suffered between 1 and 3 successful cyber attacks with repercussions for the victims during 2021 (CESIN-OpinionWay survey). The impact and virulence of attacks are constantly increasing and all companies, from the very small to the multinational, have had to massively review their security systems.

While organizations no longer need to be convinced of the need to invest in protecting themselves against cyber risks, many of them are faced with a shortage of expert resources in the field to take charge of these issues. Faced with this situation, one of the major challenges for CISOs is to make their teams more efficient and effective or to find “how to do more and better with less”.

During its next webinar dedicated to cyber, Novelis invites you to discover how automation can become an essential operational efficiency lever for your cyber teams. Join us on November 3rd at 11:30am.

The daily life of cyber teams is full of tasks with high potential for automation, predictable, processable and repeatable, such as simple configuration changes, software installations or updates, service restarts, log management, penetration tests…

Automating cyber processes allows organizations to increase reliability and security:

  • Minimize the biggest vulnerability in cybersecurity: human error by ending manual, repetitive tasks.
  • Reduce time-consuming manual activities for a better use of resources redeployed on higher value-added activities
  • Reduce threat detection and response time with 24/7 monitoring. Improving the security coverage of the infrastructure

In this final webinar of our series on cybersecurity, we will see how to strengthen security and gain efficiency thanks to automation with many detailed use cases in illustration.

This session will be hosted by Oussama Hamdi, Cyber Security Consultant & Auditor at Novelis and Georges Abou Haidar, Solutions Architect and Product Owner of SmartRoby at Novelis.

View the replay of episode 1

View the replay of episode 2

[Webinar] Which system should I implement to secure my organization?

The information system has become the nerve center of a large number of organizations and securing it is no longer an option in the face of the resurgence of cyber threats. In France, 9 out of 10 companies have already been affected by an act of cyber maliciousness and 43% of them are SMEs. However, only 17% of SMEs are protected against cyber attacks… The stakes and risks involved are numerous and can have irreversible consequences for organizations: 

  • Financial risks: Loss of turnover, cessation of activity, fines, technical or legal costs, increase in insurance premiums ….
  • Image: Deterioration of the brand image, loss of notoriety, loss of confidence from customers, partners and suppliers.  
  • Human : Stress of the teams, trauma or burn-out, immense stress, technical unemployment, redundancy plans…  
  • Immaterial: Loss of intellectual property, theft of R&D or customers, loss of a competitive advantage…  

This was the case for a health insurance company that was hacked and had personal data stolen: it revealed huge financial repercussions up to 5 years after the attack, due to the absence of new contracts.

As you can see, the implementation of a cybersecurity strategy has become a priority for all organizations, regardless of their size! But where to start? What strategy to adopt? What skills are needed? What is the budget? How to ensure a sustainable security of its IS?

Protecting yourself from cyber risks is not always synonymous with significant costs and simple actions can already significantly reduce your exposure. 

During this webinar, you will discover :

  • A step-by-step cyber security approach 
  • IS: what needs to be protected first  
  • A concrete example of a step-by-step approach to IS security

This session will be led by our expert Oussama Hamdi, Cyber Security Consultant & Auditor at Novelis.

This webinar is the 2nd episode of our series of webinars dedicated to cybersecurity. To see the replay of episode 1, see our dedicated page.

[Webinar] How to assess and protect yourself from cyber risks?

2021 has been an unprecedented year in terms of cyberattacks, as evidenced by SolarWinds or more recently the Log4j flaw which as a reminder could have a massive impact on a third of the servers in the world (including those of large companies like Microsoft, Apple’s iCloud, Amazon…). This type of attack can have a global impact and may have affected you even without you realizing it. 

Today, digitization and digital transformation have led to new IT security vulnerabilities and cyber risks have never been stronger. 

Because of this increase in attacks, cybersecurity in 2022 will continue to be a major business area requiring companies to think about their needs and how they manage their security systems.  

A very recent example shows us the importance of protecting our information and communication systems more intensively: 

On May 16, 2022, Costa Rica’s president declared that he was “at war” with the Conti cybercrime group, threatening to overthrow the government. The group’ s attack has disabled Costa Rican government agencies since April, preventing it from collecting taxes and salaries for some employees. It also allowed cybercriminals to access critical systems in the country’s Ministry of Finance. The attackers demanded a ransom of $20 million (read more). 

This type of attack shows the great capacity of ransomware groups, such as Conti, to operate on any scale, including nation-states! Thus causing national crises. 

Cyber attacks can therefore also target all sizes of companies and all sectors: whether you are a major player in the financial sector, a small business in the service sector or even a small retailer, you can be targeted by hackers.  

Cybersecurity professionals have an essential role to play because cybersecurity has become an absolute necessity for all companies wishing to ensure the sustainability of their activities.  

We propose you to decipher the risks and the first steps necessary to protect your organization and your systems. 

During this webinar, you will discover  

  • Potential vulnerabilities, their evolution and associated risks  
  • How can you best protect your business against cyber threats? 
  • How can risks be mitigated and what measures should be taken?