[Webinar] Cybersecurity: how to gain efficiency through automation?

Nov 3 , 2022 - 11:30

Against the backdrop of the economic slowdown, cybersecurity is on the rise! Gartner forecasts an increase in cybersecurity spending of 11.3% in 2023 (vs. an increase of 7.2% in 2022). It must be said that the pace of cyber attacks has never been more intense (+400% since the beginning of the health crisis) and in France, more than one out of two companies reported having suffered between 1 and 3 successful cyber attacks with repercussions for the victims during 2021 (CESIN-OpinionWay survey). The impact and virulence of attacks are constantly increasing and all companies, from the very small to the multinational, have had to massively review their security systems.

While organizations no longer need to be convinced of the need to invest in protecting themselves against cyber risks, many of them are faced with a shortage of expert resources in the field to take charge of these issues. Faced with this situation, one of the major challenges for CISOs is to make their teams more efficient and effective or to find "how to do more and better with less".

During its next webinar dedicated to cyber, Novelis invites you to discover how automation can become an essential operational efficiency lever for your cyber teams. Join us on November 3rd at 11:30am.

The daily life of cyber teams is full of tasks with high potential for automation, predictable, processable and repeatable, such as simple configuration changes, software installations or updates, service restarts, log management, penetration tests…

Automating cyber processes allows organizations to increase reliability and security:

  • Minimize the biggest vulnerability in cybersecurity: human error by ending manual, repetitive tasks.
  • Reduce time-consuming manual activities for a better use of resources redeployed on higher value-added activities
  • Reduce threat detection and response time with 24/7 monitoring. Improving the security coverage of the infrastructure

In this final webinar of our series on cybersecurity, we will see how to strengthen security and gain efficiency thanks to automation with many detailed use cases in illustration.

This session will be hosted by Oussama Hamdi, Cyber Security Consultant & Auditor at Novelis and Georges Abou Haidar, Solutions Architect and Product Owner of SmartRoby at Novelis.

View the replay of episode 1

View the replay of episode 2

Nov 3 , 2022 - 11:30

The speakers

Oussama Hamdi

Georges Abou Haidar

Solutions Architect

Event replay

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