Novelis sponsors AM Tech Day event

Novelis was present on October 3rd at the Palais Brongniart in Paris for AM Tech Day.

Europe may have lost the battle for ownership and control of raw financial data, but it can still win the battle for control of transformed data, which represents its strategic information. This year, AM Tech Day, the flagship event of the asset management industry and its technological transformations, aims to highlight the need to address this issue at a time when generative AI is booming.

On the agenda:

  • 4 stages for captivating conferences, roundtable discussions, and workshops
  • An exhibition area bringing together event partners
  • A TV studio and 2 dynamic video studios

Immerse yourself in the world of technological innovations to optimize your investment strategies, meet regulatory requirements, and redefine your client’s experience.

During this event, Olivier Chosson, Director of Operations, discussed Novelis’ value proposition in an interview, focusing on how Novelis supports asset managers in optimizing asset management through generative AI, automation, and cybersecurity

Discover our services and book an appointment to find out more.

Paris Summit 2023: Novelis at the annual SS&C Blue Prism event dedicated to automation

The Paris Summit 2023 is our partner SS&C Blue Prism‘s annual event dedicated to automation.

This morning of exchanges and discoveries will be an opportunity for customers and partners to share their experiences and best practices in intelligent automation. Much more than just conferences, the Paris Summit is a celebration of the innovation that is shaping the future of our businesses.

It’s at the Cercle d’Aumale that Novelis is invited to host a conference with one of its client around Process Intelligence. Novelis has been supporting its client in mapping its information system with a mind to overhauling it, and the deployment of BPPI – SS&C Blue Prim’s Process Intelligence solution. During the conference, we will go into the details of the project, its keys to success and the results obtained to date, as the project is still ongoing.
Our team, consisting of Mehdi Nafe – CEO of Novelis, Nassima Ait Bihi – VP Head of Sales & Marketing Southern Europe and Raphaël Brunel – Senior Business Analyst and Process Intelligence Expert, will be on hand to answer all your operational and technical questions: business and sector-specific issues, uses linked to AI, Intelligent Automation, evolution of RPA and Process Intelligence innovations.

It’s thanks to the unique synergies between these different technologies that our customers succeed in unlocking new levels of efficiency and productivity every day. By automating certain business processes and using AI, your company too – whatever its size – may be able to gain a crucial competitive edge in the digital age.

Discover our services and book an appointment to find out more.

cercle d'aumale

Novelis takes part in Forrester’s Technology & Innovation North America event

Today, technology and innovation are the key drivers of corporate prosperity. In an ever-changing technological and technical landscape, developing a robust strategy is essential to bring new products to market. However, many questions remain unanswered. How can we make the most of artificial intelligence to automate and optimize processes? Where do the opportunities offered by generative AI lie? How can you ensure the flexibility and resilience of your technological structure?

Through thematic sessions, engaging case studies and immersive experiences, Forrester will share its vision and unique approach to the technological innovations of the moment alongside your peers.

Novelis will host the “AI Unleashed: Discover. Debate. Experiment” session at the Forrester event

Join us as Paul Branson – Director of Solution Engineering at Novelis – takes the stage at the “AI Innovators Leading the Market on Implementation” conference on September 10 at 3:15 p.m. He’ll be sharing groundbreaking insights into Artificial Intelligence and its revolutionary impact on automation. Also joining us is Catherine Stewart, President and General Manager for the Americas.  Please find out more about the full program and our schedule.

You’ll also have the opportunity to listen to Forrester experts on a range of topics: value-based technology strategy, emerging technologies and innovation, AI adoption, automation…

Solutions to your technology and innovation concerns are at hand. Discover them!

In today’s global economy, companies need to stand out from the crowd to outperform the competition. To do so, you need to implement a customer-centric growth engine: anticipating needs by aligning your operational skills with technology.

This event is the ideal opportunity for you to come and discover the latest technological innovations and learn how to leverage these technologies to improve your business performance.

Come and meet us at Forrester’s Technology & Innovation event on September 10, 11 and 12, 2023.

Our best 2022 content: practices and feedback on intelligent process automation

Client testimonials, white papers, articles, webinars… Throughout the year, Novelis teams have created a lot of content to share with you the best practices and feedback on intelligent process automation. In this article, you’ll find our most popular content for 2022 to kick off 2023 and identify the levers that will boost your operational efficiency!

BLOG – White papers, articles, interview…

Anonymization of sensitive data by the combined approach of NLP and neural models: “Data exploitation is more than ever a major issue within any type of organization […] Pseudonymization/anonymization thus appears to be an indispensable technique for protecting personal data and promoting compliance with regulations.”

How can Process Intelligence tools be a springboard to your operational efficiency objective?: “The lessons learned from a Process Intelligence solution allow organizations to base their strategy for improving the operational efficiency of processes on an in-depth analysis of historical data and not only on qualitative interviews.”

[WHITE PAPER] How automation can help you overcome customer relationship challenges: “Consumer expectations have changed and customer experience has become a major differentiator, especially since its quality is increasingly measurable and comparable. […] Novelis offers you to discover the benefits in its white paper “How automation can help you overcome customer relationship challenges” divided in three parts…”

[USE CASES] RPA: Tasks with high automation potential in finance: “The digital revolution is changing the face of the financial sector, regardless of the business line: treasury, management control, accounting, finance management, etc. Transforming to innovate is becoming an obligation for these players, who must be ever faster, more reliable and more efficient in the execution of processes.”

[INTERVIEW] How APICIL Épargne decided to launch a major project to modernize, containerize and urbanize its information system: “In order to become the French leader in life insurance, APICIL Épargne decided to launch a major project to modernize, containerize and urbanize its information system. It is in this context that Novelis has been supporting APICIL Épargne for 4 years in their digital transformation on strategic subjects.”

Novelis wins Blue Prism 2022 Best AI & Cloud Innovation Solution Award with SmartRoby: “During the Partner Forum 2022 organized by Blue Prism on May 24th, Novelis has been awarded for its Automation as a Service solution SmartRoby, recognized as the best Solution of the Year in the AI & Cloud Innovation – EMEA & Global category by the leading RPA vendor.”

[USE CASES] RPA: tasks with high automation potential in insurance and for mutual: “Insurance and mutual insurance companies are facing new issues and challenges every day. RPA provides an answer to these challenges, making it a truly essential solution for these insurance and mutual organizations, which have a wide range of processes with high automation potential.”

REPLAYS – Rediscover our webinars

[Webinar] Cybersecurity: how to gain efficiency through automation?: Novelis invites you to discover how automation can become an essential operational efficiency lever for your cyber teams.

[Webinar] Customer success story CMB Monaco – Compliance and automation: the winning duo: Come and discover how to accelerate and make your compliance strategy more reliable with automation through the experience of our client CMB Monaco.

[Webinar] RPA: a solution to the challenges of the insurance industry: In this session, learn about RPA and insurance industry use cases as well as the key success factors of an automation program.

[Webinar] Accelerate your Process Automation by 30% with Process Intelligence: Discover a unified solution that combines process intelligence with automation dedicated to process exploration, optimization and monitored execution of automated processes.

[Webinar] Facilitate and accelerate GDPR compliance with data anonymization

Technological advancements (connected objects, development of 5G) have made the exchange of massive data in our society more fluid. Today, this data represents a real wealth in terms of the quantities of information that could be used to analyze political climates, predict crises, and improve services, products, and processes, for example. This phenomenon of massification and circulation of data thus raises the question of the risk of privacy violations due to the exposure of personal data.

According to the latest report by the American giant McAfee, a survey of cloud service users shows that : 

  • 91% of respondents do not encrypt inactive data,  
  • 87% do not delete data immediately after closing an account. 

While GDPR currently requires companies to do everything possible to secure their personal data without risking heavy fines, anonymization is not a general obligation. But this technique, coupled with AI and automation, is increasingly being seen as the most effective means of compliance.

Anonymization will allow companies to continue processing personal data while respecting the rights and freedoms of individuals, thus significantly reducing their exposure to potential attacks. This also strengthens system security and reduces the risk of data theft, as once anonymized, the data has no value.

Where previously GDPR could be a constraint around data, it now becomes an opportunity to better protect oneself.

Former RGPD lawyer & certified DPO – CEO & Co-founder of Dipeeo, Raphaël Buchard, will give us the keys to stay RGPD compliant. 

Our technical and business experts at Novelis – Sanoussi Alassan, Data Scientist and Raphaël Brunel, Data Analyst – will talk about the technical solution we propose: data anonymization coupled with AI for structured data processing and automation for unstructured data processing.  

On the agenda of this webinar:  

  • RGPD & Compliance  
  • Presentation of use cases 
  • Knowing the different anonymization methods and equipping yourself with a professional solution  
  • Demonstration

Yolov7: Artificial Intelligence for real-time object detection in an image

In this article we will discover the Yolov7 model, an object detection algorithm. We will first study its use and its characteristics through a public dataset. Then we will see how to train this model ourselves from this dataset. Finally, we will train Yolov7 to identify custom objects from our own data.

What is Yolo? Why Yolov7 ?

Yolo is an algorithm for detecting objects in an image. The goal of object detection is to automatically classify, using a neural network, the presence and position of humanly identifiable objects in an image. The interest is therefore based on the capacities and performances in terms of detection, recognition and localization of the algorithms, which have multiple practical applications in the image domain. Yolo’s strength lies in its ability to perform these tasks in real time, which makes it particularly useful with video streams of tens of images per second.

YOLO is actually an acronym for “You Only Look Once”. Indeed, unlike many detection algorithms, Yolo is a neural network that evaluates the position and class of identified objects from a single end-to-end network that detects classes using a fully connected layer. Yolo therefore only needs to “see” an image once to detect the objects present, where some algorithms only detect regions of interest, before re-evaluating these to identify the classes present. Before mentioning the other versions of Yolo, it seems important here to explain the different metrics used to compare the accuracy and efficiency of a model.

Intersection over Union : IoU

Intersection over Union (literally Intersection over Union, or IoU) is a metric for measuring the accuracy of object location. As its name indicates, it is calculated from the ratio between the intersection area of the detected object and the union area of these same objects (see equation 1). By noting Adetected and Aactual the respective areas of the object detected by YOLO and the object as actually located on the image, we can then write :

Note that an IoU of 0 indicates that the 2 areas are completely distinct and that an IoU of 1 indicates that the 2 objects are perfectly superimposed. In general, an IoU > 0.5 represents a valid localization criterion.

(mean) Average Precision : mAP

Average Precision is a classification accuracy metric. It is based on the average of the correct predictions over the total predictions. So we try to get closer to a 100% mAP score (no error when determining the class of an object).

Coming back to our previous point, Yolo remains an architecture model, and not the property of a particular developer. This explains why the versions of Yolo are from different contributors. Indeed, we increment the version of Yolo (Yolov7 to date: January 2023) each time the previously mentioned metrics (especially the mAP and its associated execution time) clearly exceed the previous model and thus the state of the art. Thus, each new YolovX model is actually an improvement shown by an associated research paper published in parallel.

How does Yolo work?

Yolo works by segmenting the image that it analyzes. It will first grid the space, then perform 2 operations: localization and classification.

Figure 1: Architecture of the Yolo model, operating a grid from successive convolutions
Figure 2: Gridded image

First, Yolo identifies all the objects present with the help of frames by associating them a degree of confidence (here represented by the thickness of the box).

Figure 3: Location of objects

Then, the algorithm assigns a class to each box according to the object that it believes it has detected from the probability map.

Figure 4: Class probability map
Figure 5: Object detection

Finally, Yolo removes all unnecessary boxes using the NMS method.

NMS : Non-Maxima Suppression

The NMS method is based on a path of the high confidence index boxes, then a removal of the boxes superimposed on those by measuring the IoU. For this, we follow 4 steps. Starting from the complete list of detected boxes:

  1. Remove all boxes with a low confidence index.
  2. Identification of the box with the highest confidence index.
  3. Deleting all boxes with too large IoU (i.e. all boxes too similar to our reference box).
  4. Ignoring the reference box thus used, repeat steps 2) and 3) until all boxes in our original list have been eliminated (i.e. taking the 2nd largest confidence index box, then the 3rd, etc.).

We then obtain the following result:

Figure 6: Post-NMS output image showing the objects detected by Yolo

How to use Yolov7 with the COCO dataset ?

Now that we have seen the Yolo model in detail, we will study its use with an image database: the COCO dataset. The MICROSOFT COCO dataset (for Common Objects in COntext), more commonly called MS COCO, is a set of images representing common objects in a common context. However, unlike the usual databases used for object detection and recognition, MS COCO does not present isolated objects or scenes. Indeed, the goal when creating this dataset was to have images close to real life, in order to have a more robust training base for classical image streams, reflecting daily life.

Figure 7: Examples of isolated objects
Figure 8: Examples of isolated scenes
Figure 9: Classical scenes of everyday life.

Thus, by training our Yolov7 model with the MS COCO dataset, it is possible to obtain a recognition algorithm of nearly a hundred classes and categorizing the majority of objects, people and elements of everyday life. Finally, MS COCO is today the main reference for measuring the accuracy and efficiency of a model. To get an idea, below are the results of the different versions of Yolo.

Figure 10: Average Precision (AP) versus analysis time per image

On the x-axis, the times given to the networks to evaluate an image are indicated. The lower the time, the more we can afford to send a large flow of images to our algorithm, at the cost of accuracy. On the ordinate, the average accuracy of the models is indicated as a function of the time allowed, as seen previously.

We then notice 3 important points:

  1. Regardless of the time given to the network, Yolov7 outperforms the other Yolo models in terms of detection accuracy on the MS COCO dataset. This explains its presence as a reference in the current state of the art of real-time image-based object detection.
  2. The increase of the inference time on each image has no/few interest once the 30ms/image is exceeded. This implies that the model is more optimal on a use requiring fast image processing, such as a video stream (> 25 fps).
  3. Regardless of the model concerned, none of them exceeds 57% of detection accuracy. This implies that the model is still far from being able to be used reliably in a public setting.

To obtain the above results yourself, just follow the instructions on the GitHub page of the yolov7 model pre-trained from the MS COCO dataset:

First, follow the heading :

  • Installation.

Then the sidebar:

  • Testing.

How to train Yolov7 ?

Now that we have seen how to test Yolov7 with a dataset on which it is trained, we are going to look at how we can train Yolov7 with our own dataset. We will first start a training with already prepared data, here the MS COCO dataset. Again, the Yolov7 GitHub has a specific insert for this purpose:

  • Training.

It is broken down into 2 simple steps:

  1. Download the already annotated MS COCO dataset.
  2. Launch the script ” ” intrinsic to the Git directory with the dataset previously downloaded.

This one will then run on 300 steps to conform to the MS COCO dataset. It should be noted that in reality this operation has more of an instructive purpose since Yolov7 is already trained on the MS COCO dataset and thus already has an adequate model.

Prepare your own training data

Now that we have seen what Yolov7 is, how to test it and train it, we just have to provide it with our own image base to train it on our use case. We will therefore follow 4 steps to create our own dataset directly usable to train Yolov7 :

  1. Choice of our image database.
  2. Optional: Labeling of all our images.
  3. Preparation of the launch (use case of Google Collab).
  4. Training (and split operation).

To illustrate the sequence of these operations, we will take a case similar to the Novelis work used on AIDA: the detection of elements drawn on a sheet of paper.

Figure 11: Starting image: a handwritten color drawing on a sheet

To start, we will need to get a sufficient quantity of similar images. Either from our own collection, or by using a pre-existing database (for example by taking the dataset of our choice from this link. On our part, we will use the Quick Draw dataset. Once our database is formed, we will annotate our images. For that, many softwares exist, most of the time allowing to create boxes, or polygons, and to label them as a class. In our case, our database is already labeled, otherwise we would have to create a class for each element to be detected, and then identify by hand on each image the exact areas of presence of these classes. Once our dataset is labelled, we can launch a session on Google Colab and start a new Python Notebook. We will call it “MyYolov7Project.ipynb” for example.

First step: copy your dataset in your drive. In our case, we have already added to our drive a folder “Yolov7_Dataset”. Here is the tree structure of the folder:

Figure 12: Tree structure of the “Yolov7_Dataset” folder

For each folder, there is an images folder, containing the images, and a labels folder containing the associated labels generated previously. In our case, we use 20 000 images in total, including 15 000 for training, 4 000 for validation and 1 000 for testing.

The data.yaml file contains all the paths to the :

Then the characteristics of the classes:

We will not show the 345 classes in detail but they should be present in your file. We can now start our script “MyYolov7Project.ipynb” on Colab. First step, link our Drive to Colab in order to save our results (Be careful : the data of the trained network are voluminous).

Once our Drive is linked, we can now clone Yolov7 from the official Git:

By placing us in the installed folder, we check the prerequisites:

We will also need the sys and torch libraries.

We can then run the training script for our network:

Note that the batch size can be modified according to the capacities of your GPU (with the free version of Collab, 16 is the maximum possible). Don’t forget to modify your path to the “data.yaml” file according to the tree structure of your Drive. At the end of the training, we get a file with the training metrics and a trained model on our database. By launching the detection script (, we can obtain the detection result on our starting image:

Figure 13: Starting image annotated by Yolov7

As we can see, some elements were not detected (the river, the grass in the foreground) and some were mislabeled (the two mountains perceived as volcanoes, probably due to the sunlight passing by). Our model can therefore be further improved, either by refining our database or by modifying the training parameters.

Optional: Split network training (when using the free version of Google Colab)

Although our use case remains simplistic, when using the free version of Google Colab, the training of our network can take several days before being completed. However, the restrictions of Google Colab (free version) prevent a program to run more than 12 hours. To keep the training, you just have to restart it after stopping a session with our last recorded weight as a parameter (weights):

Here is an example launched with the 8th run (replace the folder “yolov78” by the last training done). You can find all your trainings in the associated folder in the Yolov7 tree.

Figure 14: Training tree. Here we are at the 12th launch

The training then resumes from the last epoch used, and allows you to progress without losing the time previously spent on your network.


Novelis at the Ecole Polytechnique Féminine (EPF) for Research Day

Research Day at EPF: organized for 20 years, this day is dedicated to research and innovation.

On the occasion of the EPF Research Day, Novelis will be present at the school to host a round table on innovation in digital technology. Following this presentation, students will be able to meet our team at our stand and learn more about the work of Novelis’ internal R&D laboratory by talking directly with members of the research and recruitment teams.

At Novelis, we aim to use new technologies to meet our client’ business needs and thus offer them adapted solutions to support them in their digital transformation.
This is reflected in our R&D Lab, in which we invest more than 25% of our revenue. Our doctoral researchers work daily on fundamental and experimental research around AI (machine learning, image processing and NLP) with the objective of exceeding the state of the art in AI and NLP.

We are very proud to invest in scientific research to help build our future, so we are delighted to be able to share the results of our work with the students of the EPF engineering school.

Novelis wins Blue Prism 2022 Best AI & Cloud Innovation Solution Award with SmartRoby

During the Partner Forum 2022 organized by Blue Prism on May 24th, Novelis has been awarded for its Automation as a Service solution SmartRoby, recognized as the best Solution of the Year in the AI & Cloud Innovation – EMEA & Global category by the leading RPA vendor.

In 2021, Novelis already received the Business Solution of the Year award with SmartRoby. This year, for the second time in a row, we received the regional and global award from Blue Prism, recognizing our positive impact on a client’s business through the innovative use of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Automation in the Cloud.

We have designed SmartRoby, an Automation as a Service solution, to give human-sized organizations easier access to cutting-edge RPA and Intelligent Automation technologies. Complementary to Blue Prism offers, our solution is available on AWS, DX, OVH and On-Prem, entirely self-service and connected to Blue Prism. It offers a business-oriented interface with a pricing model based on the actual consumption of digital workers, to drive and control all automated processes of an organization. This allows organizations to implement an automation solution in a matter of weeks and at a lower cost.

It also offers other advantages to go further than traditional automation with access to AI and NLP algorithms. But also more autonomy for business teams to manage a set of features autonomously without depending on IT teams. The business is thus able to easily follow the impact of automation within the organization thanks to quantified reports, time saved and ROI. Putting the focus on the business side and being able to measure the impact makes it much easier to go further.

A year ago, when we released our SmartRoby solution, we already wanted to make automation accessible to all organizations regardless of their size. We still believe that as a digital player it is our duty to give all companies access to solutions like SmartRoby, which digitally transform the way organizations operate.

Winning the Partner Excellence Awards 2022 in the “AI & Cloud Innovation” category is a true recognition of SmartRoby’s innovative character and rewards the investments made on this platform. This award also highlights the strong partnership we have with Blue Prism, a leader in robotic process automation (RPA). The synergies are huge, we are talking about a major global digital player with whom we are building bridges between BPM and automation.

“From day one, we understood the power of the solutions offered by Blue Prism.SmartRoby completes this offer with an out-of-the-box solution regardless of the type or size of the organization: our goal is to democratize access to an amazing technology like Blue Prism. In a few words, SmartRoby is the platform that gives access to automation easily and quickly.” says Mehdi Nafe, CEO & Co-Founder of Novelis.

Blue Prism World on Tour Madrid

On May 25, Novelis will travel to Madrid to celebrate the 3rd edition of Blue Prism World.

A true virtual experience and journey around automation, this event organized by our partner Blue Prism, allows everyone to discover the technology and strategies for success through unique customer feedback.

The Blue Prism World on Tour Madrid 2022 will bring together all Blue Prism Iberia teams, as well as clients and strategic partners such as Novelis.

On the agenda of the event

Inspire your creativity with: inspiring presentations, plenary sessions with customers and partners, and showcasing the most innovative automation and AI technologies revolutionizing the digital workforce.

As a business owner, meet with experts and learn how to achieve all your key objectives: employee retention, customer satisfaction and increased efficiency, accuracy and productivity, and ROI.

Blue Prism World: Focus on the business of the future

Transforming the way we work through the collaborative power of people and intelligent automation, using artificial intelligence, new technological advances and human ingenuity to create the companies of the future: that’s the goal of Blue Prism World.

In your company of the future:

  • Your collaborators and digital workers would work together and collaborate seamlessly: a unified workforce
  • Your clients would benefit from a better quality of service thanks to greater employee efficiency
  • The overall productivity of your organization would be much higher allowing you to achieve your strategic business objectives.

All of this is possible now, the future is already here. The technology you need to reimagine your business exists, but you need to learn how to use and implement it.

Blue Prism World – Partner Excellence Awards 2022

Each year, Blue Prism host the Blue Prism Partner Excellence Awards to celebrate their partners who’ve done the most to move Blue Prism ecosystem forward over the past 12 months.

On this occasion, Novelis was named a finalist in the AI & Cloud Innovation Solution of the Year – EMEA region !

AI-Cloud-Innovation-Solution-of-the-Year-EMEA Blue Prism Partner Excellence Forum

At the last Partner Excellence Awards in 2021, Novelis already received the award for the best Blue Prism Business Solution with SmartRoby (read more).

This global award in the AI & Cloud Innovation category is for the partner who has demonstrated the greatest positive impact to a client’s business through the innovative use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This partner has engaged with their client to leverage the Blue Prism platform and AI skills to deliver truly transformative results in the public cloud.

The Partner Excellence Awards 2022 allows Blue Prism partners to showcase their expertise in delivering intelligent automation capabilities to digitally transform the way organizations operate, compete and innovate.

This year, our judging panel of Blue Prism smart automation experts was once again very impressed with the exceptional quality of the entries, which demonstrate the diversity of talent, innovation and aspirations of our Blue Prism partners!”

Comments the organizing team of the Partner Forum Virtual.

Join us on Tuesday, May 24 to find out live at the Blue Prism Partner Forum Virtual if Novelis will win the coveted AI & Cloud Innovation Solution of the Year award – for the EMEA region.

Additional resources:

Podcast #Diveintothefuture: 2026 the year of automation [AUDIO]

Novelis’ SmartRoby awarded as Best Blue Prism Business Solution 2021