[White paper] Succeed in your automation project in 7 winning steps


Jan 20 , 2022 read

Automation is implemented at the corporate level to better support digital transformation. Discover in this white paper, co-authored with our partner Blue Prism, how to succeed in your automation project in just 7 steps.

What are the key steps to automation?

  1. Define a vision and a strategy from the beginning
  2. Adapt your organizational structure
  3. Identify and select potential processes that can be automated
  4. Adopt an industrial approach
  5. Control the continuity of virtual agent activities
  6. Recruit and train a team of experts
  7. Design a scalable technical architecture

These seven interconnected factors allow the automation program to meet the objectives you have set. However, it must evolve as your business does, meet new needs and, as such, be regularly re-evaluated.

You don’t have to recreate the entire program, but make sure that its parameters are always in line with your business reality.

Download our white paper co-authored with automation leader Blue Prism.

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